

From info!dregis Wed Jan 29 13:41:21 GMT 1997
Article: 16115 of rec.games.chess.misc
Newsgroups: rec.games.chess.misc
Path: info!dregis
From: dregis@exeter.ac.uk (D.Regis)
Subject: HELP PLEASE: Unusual castlings
Organization: University of Exeter, UK.
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 12:31:18 GMT

I'm compiling a piece about castling and found a couple of nice
examples in a book by Pfleger and Treppner.  They gave only positions
and I wondered if anyone has a genuine whole game scores for a game


Bishops Puzzle: 

I hope you will forgive my algebraic notation, but I found it easier
to read (since we know every move is a bishop).

White bishops start at b1 and d1, 
Black bishops start at b5 and d5.

01. b1-c2
02. d5-a2
03. b5-c4
04. c2-a4
05. a2-b1
06. c4-d3
07. a4-b3
08. b3-d5
09. d3-b5 (board is symmetrical)
10. b1-d3
11. d1-b3
12. b3-a2
13. d3-c2
14. b5-a4
15. a2-c4
16. c2-b1
17. a4-d1
18. c4-b5

This was not the first solution that I found, but I liked it because
it was symmetrical.  Once you get to step 9 you are basically 


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