pIsh provided a welcome list of computer programmes that he has found
pfree copy of
Rybka 2 : a
href="http://www.rybkachess.com/index.php?auswahl=Demo+version"http://www.rybkachess.com/index.php?auswahl=Demo+version/abr /
br /
free version of Fritz 5: a
href="http://freechess.50webs.com/fritz.html"http://freechess.50webs.com/fritz.html/abr /
And Winboard: a
href="http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/winboard/winboard-4_2_7b.exe"http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/winboard/winboard-4_2_7b.exe/abr /
br /
Simon Waters also likes SCID (a href="http://scid.sourceforge.net/"http://scid.sourceforge.net/)
/aalthough the current maintainer is in a deeply unlovely dispute (a
with a fork of SCID which is ChessBD a
href="http://chessdb.sourceforge.net/"(a href="http://chessdb.sourceforge.net/" title="http://chessdb.sourceforge.net/"http://chessdb.sourceforge.net//a)/a,
which suggests to me that you might be better off with ChessBD.br /
pJonathan Morgan also recommends for opening training:/p
pre wrap=""the software i mentioned is chess position trainer and can be downloaded at:br /br /a
href="http://www.chesspositiontrainer.com/"http://www.chesspositiontrainer.com//a.br /br /help section and the videos that they have on the site (and free sample repertoires -- DR)./pre
Any more?nbsp; Eric Bentzen has a list: a
href="http://www.enpassant.dk/chess/softeng.htm"http://www.enpassant.dk/chess/softeng.htm/abr /
Once I've got a top ten I can offer some notes.br /
"Openings teach you openings. Endgames teach you chess!" |
Stephan Gerzadowicz, US Postal Chess Master |