Exeter 5-3 East Budleigh Sat 28th Oct 2017
Chris Lowe 176 (W) 0-1 Keith Arkell 237 (B)
Dave Regis 166 ½-½ Kevin Hurst 173
Leif Hafstad 159 0-1 Brian Gosling 154
Sean Pope 143 ½-½ Jonathan Waley E130
Ian Simpson 130 1-0 Barbara Newcombe 92
Eddy Palmer 129 1-0 Mike Lee 85
Ed Kelly 114 1-0 Tom Miner 62
Brian Aldwin 88 1-0 Max Lee 61
The newly minted East Budleigh club hosted our Peter Rooke Knockout match last Saturday.
On paper, we were due to sweep the lower boards and take what we could in the top half to win the match, but on the boards, it was never so simple a story.
Through some unorthodox opening play by Black, we quickly lost the initiative on boards 5 and 7, while the other games were proceeding slowly if not always cautiously.
Ian gradually untangled his pieces and created some threats, the last of which forced mate. (1-0)
Brian created a giant Caro-Kann pawn chain across the board, and nibbled away at the White defences. (2-0)
Leif was trying to find a way through against Brian Gosling's French Burn structure, when he found an unwelcome sting at the end of Brian's combination, and lost a piece. (2-1)
In a slow manoeuvring Maroczy game, Kevin blundered to allow a black breakthrough, but Dave immediately found a way to lose rather than win a pawn, and was happy to be offered a perpetual check soon after. (2½-1½)
Eddy took an early chance to eliminate White's dark-squared Bishop, and in an opposite-side castling game, won lots of material for a nice win. (3½-1½)
Ed kept his cool and his position together, and seized a chance to win material, later breaking through to mate his opponent's King. (4½-1½)
In a heavyweight hypermodern battle, Jonathan built up some space and initiative, but it all fizzled out to an endgame with not much in it. (5-2)
In the top board game, Chris refused to be intimidated by his Grandmaster opponent, and found a dangerous piece sacrifice, when Black sacrificed the exhange to set up a blockade on the light squares. Chris looked like he might be running out of time and ideas, but kept finding ways to create threats and even at the end a blunder decided things, without which Black might not have won at all. Chris said it hardly felt like losing! (5-3).
[Event "Exeter vs East Budleigh"] [Site "?"] [Date "2017.10.28"] [Round "1"] [White "Lowe, C."] [Black "Arkell, K."] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "B14"] [PlyCount "80"] 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. exd5 cxd5 4. c4 Nf6 5. Nc3 g6 6. cxd5 Bg7 7. Bc4 O-O 8. Nge2 Nbd7 9. Bb3 (9. Nf4) 9... Nb6 10. Nf4 Bg4 11. f3 (11. Qd3 Bf5 12. Qe2) 11... Bd7 12. O-O a6 $146 13. a4 Rc8 14. Re1 Re8 15. Nd3 Bf5 16. Ne5 (16. Nc5) 16... Nbxd5 17. Nxf7 $6 (17. Ne4 $14) 17... Kxf7 18. g4 Be6 19. g5 Rxc3 20. bxc3 Nh5 21. f4 (21. Rxe6 Kxe6 22. f4) 21... Bf5 22. Qf3 e6 23. Bd2 Re7 24. Ra2 Rd7 25. Rb2 b5 (25... Rc7) (25... Qb6) 26. axb5 axb5 27. Bxd5 Rxd5 28. Ra1 Bf8 (28... Qc7 29. Rba2 Rd7) 29. Rba2 $11 Rd7 30. Qc6 Be7 31. Qxb5 (31. Ra7 Rxd4 32. Rxe7+ Kxe7 33. Qc5+ Rd6 34. Ra7+ Ke8 35. Be3) 31... Rxd4 (31... Be4) 32. Ra8 Rd5 33. Rxd8 Rxb5 34. Ra7 e5 35. fxe5 Ng7 36. c4 Rb1+ 37. Kf2 Rb2 38. Ke1 Bg4 39. Bc3 Rb1+ 40. Kd2 $4 Rd1+ 0-1
[Event "Exeter vs East Budleigh"] [Site "?"] [Date "2017.10.28"] [Round "2"] [White "Hurst, K."] [Black "Regis, D."] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "B38"] [PlyCount "65"] 1. Nf3 c5 2. e4 g6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nc6 5. c4 Nf6 6. Nc3 Bg7 7. Be3 O-O 8. Be2 d6 9. O-O Bd7 (9... Nxd4 10. Bxd4 (10. Qxd4 Ng4 11. Qd2 Nxe3 12. Qxe3 Be6) 10... Bd7) 10. Qd2 Nxd4 11. Bxd4 Bc6 12. f3 Nd7 13. Be3 (13. Bf2 {0-1 (30) Ashton,A (2304)-Williams,S (2473) Hastings 2007}) 13... a5 14. Rfd1 (14. b3 { 1/2-1/2 (49) Ciuksyte,D (2423)-Greet,A (2418) Southend 2006}) 14... Nc5 15. Rac1 (15. Rab1) 15... Qb6 16. b3 Rfb8 (16... Rfc8 17. Nd5 (17. Nb5) 17... Bxd5 18. cxd5 Qd8) (16... Rfe8) (16... Qb4) (16... Rfd8) 17. Nd5 Bxd5 18. cxd5 Qd8 19. Bc4 h5 20. a4 Kh7 21. Kf1 Rc8 22. Rb1 $2 Nxa4 $1 23. bxa4 Rxc4 24. Rxb7 Rac8 $2 (24... Rxa4 $17 25. Rdb1 Rc4 26. R1b6 Qe8) 25. Bb6 Qe8 26. Qxa5 Rxa4 $2 (26... Be5 $11) (26... Bf6 $11) (26... Rc1 $11) 27. Rxe7 $1 Qxe7 28. Qxa4 Qg5 29. Bf2 Rc1 30. Rxc1 (30. Be1 $14 h4) 30... Qxc1+ 31. Ke2 Qb2+ 32. Kf1 Qc1+ 33. Ke2 1/2-1/2
[Event "Exeter vs East Budleigh"] [Site "?"] [Date "2017.10.28"] [Round "3"] [White "Hafstad, L."] [Black "Gosling, B."] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "C10"] [PlyCount "58"] 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nd2 dxe4 4. Nxe4 Nf6 5. Nxf6+ gxf6 6. Nf3 b6 7. Bd3 Bb7 8. Bf4 Bd6 9. Bg3 c6 10. Qe2 Qc7 11. O-O-O Nd7 12. Ba6 O-O-O 13. Bxb7+ Kxb7 14. Rd3 h5 15. Ra3 Nb8 16. Re1 h4 17. Nxh4 Rxh4 18. Bxh4 Bxa3 19. bxa3 Qf4+ 20. Qe3 Qxh4 21. h3 Qg5 22. f4 Qxg2 23. Rg1 Qd5 24. Rg7 Rd7 25. Kb1 Na6 26. Rh7 c5 27. dxc5 Nxc5 28. Rg7 Na4 29. Rg1 Rc7 0-1
[Event "Exeter vs East Budleigh"] [Site "?"] [Date "2017.10.28"] [Round "4"] [White "Waley, J."] [Black "Pope, S."] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "D16"] [PlyCount "65"] 1. Nf3 d5 2. g3 c6 3. d4 Nf6 4. Bg2 Bg4 5. O-O e6 6. c4 dxc4 7. Ne5 Bh5 8. Nxc4 Be7 9. Nc3 O-O 10. a4 a5 11. Qb3 Ra7 12. Bf4 (12. e4) 12... Na6 13. e4 Nb4 14. Na2 $6 Be2 15. Rfe1 Bxc4 16. Qxc4 Qb6 17. Red1 h6 18. h3 Raa8 19. Be3 Nxa2 20. Rxa2 Qb4 21. Qxb4 Bxb4 22. Bd2 $6 Bxd2 23. Rxd2 Rfd8 24. Ra3 Rd7 (24... g5) 25. Rad3 Rad8 26. f4 g6 27. g4 Kg7 28. Kf2 Ne8 29. d5 cxd5 30. exd5 exd5 (30... Nc7 31. d6 Ne8) 31. Rxd5 Rxd5 32. Rxd5 Rxd5 33. Bxd5 1/2-1/2
[Event "Exeter vs East Budleigh"] [Site "?"] [Date "2017.10.28"] [Round "5"] [White "Simpson, Ian"] [Black "Newcombe, Barbara"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "C62"] [PlyCount "55"] 1. e4 e5 2. d4 d6 3. Nf3 Nc6 4. Bb5 (4. dxe5) 4... Be7 5. d5 (5. dxe5) 5... a6 6. Ba4 $6 b5 7. Bxb5 axb5 8. dxc6 Nf6 $15 9. Qd3 Ba6 (9... b4) 10. Nbd2 Rb8 ( 10... b4 $17 11. Nc4 d5 12. exd5 e4) 11. a4 Qc8 12. axb5 Bxb5 13. Qc3 Rb6 14. b3 Bxc6 15. O-O O-O 16. Re1 Qd7 17. Bb2 $15 Ng4 $11 18. Nc4 Rbb8 $2 19. h3 Nf6 20. Nfxe5 $1 Qe8 21. Nxc6 Qxc6 22. e5 Nd5 23. Qg3 f6 24. exd6 Bxd6 25. Nxd6 cxd6 26. c4 Nb4 27. Re7 Rb7 (27... Rf7 28. Raa7 $18) 28. Qxg7# 1-0
[Event "Exeter vs East Budleigh"] [Site "?"] [Date "2017.10.28"] [Round "6"] [White "Lee, Mike"] [Black "Palmer, Eddy"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "A05"] [PlyCount "95"] 1. Nf3 Nf6 2. g3 g6 3. Bg2 Bg7 4. d3 d6 5. Be3 e5 6. Qd2 Ng4 7. Nc3 Nxe3 8. fxe3 Nc6 9. Rf1 Be6 10. e4 h5 11. Rf2 Bh6 12. e3 Qd7 13. O-O-O O-O-O 14. Qe2 Nd4 15. Nxd4 $2 (15. Qe1) 15... exd4 16. Kb1 dxc3 17. b3 Qb5 18. Qe1 Bg7 19. d4 Qb4 20. Rd3 Rhf8 21. Rxc3 a5 22. Kb2 Kb8 23. a3 Qb6 24. Qf1 f5 25. Bh3 Bd7 26. exf5 Bxf5 27. Bxf5 gxf5 28. Rxf5 Qa6 29. Qf2 d5 30. Rxf8 Rxf8 31. Qg2 Qe6 32. Qe2 Qf7 33. Rc5 b6 34. Rb5 Re8 35. Qg2 Rd8 36. a4 Qe6 37. Kc3 Kb7 {The Rook is trapped} 38. Rxd5 Qxd5 39. Qxd5+ Rxd5 40. Kd2 Kc6 41. Kd3 Rd8 42. Kc4 Re8 43. d5+ Kd6 44. b4 axb4 45. a5 Bc3 46. g4 hxg4 47. axb6 Rxe3 48. Kb3 {I can't quite make sense of the rest of the moves and I already made up a couple of missing ones but the outcome of the game is clear!} 0-1
[Event "Exeter vs East Budleigh"] [Site "?"] [Date "2017.10.28"] [Round "7"] [White "Kelly, Edmund"] [Black "Miner, Tom"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "C47"] [PlyCount "75"] 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 Nf6 4. Nc3 (4. dxe5 Nxe4 5. Bc4 Nc5 6. Nc3 $16) 4... Bb4 5. Bg5 h6 6. dxe5 hxg5 7. exf6 Qxf6 $17 8. Qd3 g4 9. Nd2 d6 10. Be2 Bc5 ( 10... Be6) 11. Qg3 Nb4 12. Bb5+ (12. O-O Nxc2 13. Nd5 Qd8 14. Rac1 Nd4 $11) 12... c6 13. Ba4 b5 14. Bb3 a5 15. a3 a4 $2 16. axb4 Bxb4 17. O-O Rb8 18. Ba2 Qd4 $2 $18 19. Qe3 $4 (19. Rfd1) 19... Qe5 20. Qg3 (20. g3 a3 $1 $14) 20... Qg5 $18 21. Rad1 Ke7 22. Rfe1 Bd7 23. Qe3 (23. e5) 23... Qh5 24. Qg3 Rh6 25. e5 Rbh8 26. exd6+ Kd8 27. Nf1 Kc8 28. Re7 R8h7 29. Bxf7 g6 30. Be6 Bxe6 31. Rxe6 ( 31. d7+ {mates}) 31... Rh8 32. Re7 Rd8 33. Rc7+ Kb8 34. d7 Ba5 35. Rc8+ Ka7 36. Qb8+ Ka6 37. Rxc6+ Bb6 38. Qxb6# 1-0
[Event "Exeter vs East Budleigh"] [Site "?"] [Date "2017.10.28"] [Round "8"] [White "Lee, Max"] [Black "Aldwin, Brian"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "B12"] [PlyCount "62"] 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Bf5 4. Bd3 Bxd3 5. Qxd3 e6 6. Nf3 c5 7. Be3 c4 8. Qd2 f5 9. O-O Ne7 10. b3 b5 11. bxc4 bxc4 12. Qb4 Nbc6 13. Qb7 Rb8 14. Qa6 Rb6 15. Qa3 Ng6 16. Qc1 Be7 17. Ng5 Qd7 18. h3 h6 19. Nf3 O-O 20. g4 fxg4 21. Bxh6 Rxf3 22. hxg4 Rh3 23. Bg5 Nxd4 24. Kg2 Rh7 25. Be3 Bc5 26. Nc3 Nxe5 27. Na4 Qxa4 28. Rh1 Rc6 29. Rxh7 Qxc2 30. Rh8+ Kxh8 31. Qh1+ Qh7 0-1