Exeter retain Bremridge Cup 2017-18

Exeter 6-0 Newton Abbot

1 Tim PAULDEN (W) 1-0 Trefor THYNNE (B)
2 Paul O'NEILL (B) 1-0 Charles HOWARD (W)
3 Lorenz HARTMANN 1-0 Wilf TAYLOR
4 Chris LOWE 1-0 John ALLEN
6 Dave REGIS 1-0 Mike HUSSEY

Newton Abbot weren't able to field their strongest team against an Exeter home side who were looking to put the title beyond doubt.

Mike Hussey dropped a Bishop very early but attacked strongly until Dave found a goalmouth save.

Leif was building up pressure nicely when his opponent undefended a Bishop, so Exeter were two ahead quite quickly.

Lorenz Hartmann was determined to take the game to his opponent in an English Defence, and a third piece and a third game were secured by the home team.

Chris Lowe started solidly but built up a King's-side attack, and played some very sharp moves despite time trouble, forcing mate in a complex position where White was counterattacking.

The two top boards were last to finish. Paul sacrificed a pawn in a Tarrasch Defence, won it back, then won another to go ahead. White blockaded the isolated queen's pawn on d4 with a knight on d3, and sacrificed the exchange hoping that the bad black bishop would lead to a positional draw. Paul determinedly kept making progress and found an unusual mid-board mate.

Tim always seemed to have ideas against Black's solid but passive system, probing across the board and keeping flexible. An invasion on the queen's-side was followed by a break on the other flank, and Black's poor coordination allowed the h-pawn through to promote.

[Event "Bremridge League"]
[Site "Oxygen House"]
[Date "2018.03.24"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Paulden,TJ"]
[Black "Thynne,TF"]
[Result "1-0"]
[BlackTeam "Newton Abbot"]
[ECO "A01"]
[TimeControl "90m+30s inc"]
[WhiteTeam "Exeter"]

1. b3 d5 2. Bb2 Nf6 3. e3 Bf5 4. f4 e6 5. Nf3 Be7 6. g3 O-O 7. Bg2 c5 8. O-O Nc6
9. d3 Rc8 10. Nbd2 h6 11. Qe2 Bh7 12. Ne5 Qc7 13. Nxc6 Qxc6 14. e4 Rfe8 15. g4
d4 16. a4 Qc7 17. Nc4 Rf8 18. Bc1 b6 19. Qf3 ( 19. f5)19... Nd7 20. Bd2 ( 20.
e5)20... a6 21. e5 Rb8 22. Qc6 Rfc8 23. Qxc7 Rxc7 24. a5 ( 24. h3)24... b5 25.
Nb6 Ra7 ( 25... c4 26. bxc4 bxc4 27. Nxc4 Rxc4 28. dxc4 Bxc2 )26. Nxd7 Rxd7 27.
f5 Bd8 28. f6 Bg6 ( 28... c4)29. h4 h5 ( 29... c4)30. Bf3 hxg4 31. Bxg4 Bh7 (
31... c4)32. Rf3 Rd5 33. Raf1 ( 33. fxg7 c4 )33... gxf6 34. exf6 Bg6 35. Bf4 e5
36. Bh2 Bxa5 37. h5 ( 37. Rg3)37... Bh7 38. Rg3 Kh8 39. Bf3 Rdd8 40. Rg7 Rg8
41. Bxe5 Rbe8 42. Bd6 Rxg7+ 43. fxg7+ Kxg7 44. Bxc5 Bc3 45. Kf2 Re5 ( 45...
Rc8)46. Rg1+ Kf6 47. Bf8 Ke6 ( 47... Re8 48. Bh6 Rc8 )48. Rg7 Bf5 49. h6 Be1+
50. Kg2 Bg6 ( 50... Bd2)51. Rxg6+ fxg6 52. h7 1-0

[Event "Exeter vs Newton Abbot"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2018.03.24"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Howard, Charles"]
[Black "O'Neill, Paul"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "D34"]
[PlyCount "102"]
[SourceDate "2018.03.26"]
[SourceVersionDate "2018.03.26"]

1. d4 d5 2. c4
e6 3. Nc3 c5 4. cxd5 exd5 5. Nf3 Nc6 6. g3 Nf6 7. Bg2 Be7 8. O-O O-O 9. dxc5 d4
10. Na4 Bf5 11. b3 (11. Bf4) 11... Be4 12. Bb2 Qd5 13. Qd2 (13. Rc1 Rad8 14.
Ne1 Rfe8 15. Rc4 Bf8 16. Qa1 Qh5 17. Bxd4 Qxe2 18. Nc3 Qxc4 19. bxc4 Rxd4 20.
Nxe4 Nxe4 21. Bxe4 Rdxe4 22. Qb1 Nd4 23. Kg2 Re2 24. Nd3 Nc2 25. Rc1 Rd2 26.
Rxc2 Rxd3 27. Qxb7 Re7 28. Qa8 Rdd7 29. Rb2 f6 30. c6 Rc7 31. Rb7 Rf7 32. Rxc7
Rxc7 33. Qd8 {1-0 (33) Tazbir,M (2482)-Uwira,O (2282) Idstein 2009}) 13... Rad8
14. Rac1 (14. Rfd1 Rfe8 15. Rac1 h6 16. Qe1 Qh5 17. Nxd4 Ne5 18. Qf1 Nfg4 19.
h3 f5 20. Ne6 Rxd1 21. Rxd1 Bg5 22. Bxe4 fxe4 23. Nxg5 hxg5 24. hxg4 Nxg4 25.
Qg2 Rf8 26. Bd4 e3 27. Bxe3 Nxe3 28. fxe3 Qe8 29. Qd5+ Kh7 30. Kg2 Qxe3 31.
Rh1+ Kg6 32. Qd3+ {1-0 (32) Varela,G (2249)-Varela,D Ezeiza 2000}) 14... Nd7
15. Rfd1 Nxc5 16. Nxc5 Bxc5 17. Ne1 Bb6 18. Bxe4 Qxe4 19. Nd3 Rfe8 20. Rc2 h6
21. Qf4 Qg6 22. Qf3 Re6 23. Rdc1 Rf6 24. Qg2 Re8 25. b4 Qf5 $11 26. h4 Rfe6 27.
Nf4 Re4 (27... Nxb4) 28. h5 Nxb4 29. Rc8 Nc6 30. Rxe8+ Rxe8 31. Rxc6 bxc6 32.
Qxc6 Rc8 33. Qb7 Rc7 34. Qa8+ Rc8 35. Qb7 Rd8 36. Nd3 Qxh5 37. Qe7 Qg5 38. Qxg5
hxg5 39. g4 f6 40. Kg2 Kf7 41. Kf3 Rc8 42. Ke4 Re8+ 43. Kf3 g6 44. Bc1 Ba5 45.
e4 Rc8 (45... dxe3 46. Bxe3 Bb6 47. Bd2 Rc8) 46. e5 Rc3 47. Ke4 Bb6 48. exf6
Kxf6 49. f3 Rc2 50. Bb2 Ke6 51. a3 Re2# 0-1

[Event "Exeter vs Newton Abbot"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2018.03.24"]
[Round "3"]
[White "Hartmann, Lorenz"]
[Black "Taylor, Wilf"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A40"]
[PlyCount "73"]
[SourceDate "2018.03.26"]
[SourceVersionDate "2018.03.26"]

1. c4 b6 2. Nc3 Bb7 3. e4 e6 4. d4 Be7 (4... Bb4) 5. d5 d6 6. Be2 Nd7 7. dxe6
fxe6 8. Bh5+ g6 9. Bg4 Ngf6 10. Bh6 (10. Bxe6 Nc5 11. Bd5 c6) 10... Bf8 11. Bg5
h6 12. Bh4 $17 Be7 (12... Qe7 $17) 13. Bxe6 Nxe4 $14 14. Nxe4 Bxh4 15. Qd4 (15.
Bd5 $14) 15... Rh7 $14 (15... Nf6 $17) 16. Nf3 $2 Nc5 $2 (16... Re7 17. Bd5 Bf6
) 17. Nxc5 Bxf3 $2 (17... bxc5) 18. gxf3 dxc5 19. Qe4 Bxf2+ 20. Kxf2 Qd4+ 21.
Ke2 (21. Qxd4 $1) 21... Qxb2+ 22. Ke3 (22. Kf1 $1 Qxa1+ 23. Kg2 Qb2+ 24. Kh3
Qf6 (24... Rd8 25. Qxg6+ Ke7 26. Qxh7+ Kxe6 27. Re1+) 25. Qxa8+ Ke7 26. Re1)
22... Qd4+ 23. Qxd4 cxd4+ 24. Kxd4 Rd8+ 25. Ke5 Ke7 26. Rad1 Rhh8 27. f4 Rhf8
28. Rhg1 Rd6 29. f5 Rf6 30. h4 $1 Rfxe6+ {Bizarrely, the engine's
recommendation.} 31. fxe6 Rxe6+ 32. Kd4 c5+ 33. Kc3 a6 34. Rde1 Rxe1 35. Rxe1+
Kf6 36. Kd3 b5 37. Ke4 1-0

[Event "Exeter vs Newton Abbot"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2018.03.26"]
[Round "4"]
[White "Allen, John"]
[Black "Lowe, Chris"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A20"]
[PlyCount "58"]
[SourceDate "2018.03.26"]
[SourceVersionDate "2018.03.26"]

1. c4 e5 2. g3 c6 3. Bg2 d5 4. cxd5 cxd5 5. d4 e4 6. Nc3 Nc6 7. Nh3 Nf6 8. O-O
Be7 9. a3 O-O 10. b4 Bf5 11. Kh1 Qc8 12. Nf4 Nxb4 13. Qb3 Nc6 14. Nfxd5 Nxd5
15. Nxd5 Bd6 16. Bb2 Qe6 17. Qa2 Bh3 18. Ne3 Bxg2+ 19. Kxg2 Qg6 20. Rac1 Kh8
21. d5 Ne7 22. Rfd1 (22. Nc4) 22... b5 23. Qb3 f5 24. Nc2 f4 25. Nd4 e3 26. Ne6
$6 fxg3 $1 27. Bxg7+ Kg8 28. Qd3 $2 (28. Nxf8 Rxf8 29. Bxf8 gxf2+ 30. Kf3 Qf5+
31. Kxe3 Qh3+) 28... Rxf2+ 29. Kh1 Qh5 0-1

[Event "Exeter vs Newton Abbot"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2018.03.24"]
[Round "5"]
[White "Hafstad, Leif"]
[Black "Barber-Lafon, Jacquie"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B18"]
[PlyCount "41"]
[SourceDate "2018.03.26"]
[SourceVersionDate "2018.03.26"]

1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. Nd2 dxe4 4. Nxe4 Bf5 5. Ng3 Bg6 6. N1e2 e6 7. Nf4 Ne7 8.
Nxg6 Nxg6 9. c3 Nd7 10. Bd3 Bd6 11. O-O Nf6 12. Bg5 Qc7 13. Bxf6 gxf6 14. Qf3
O-O-O 15. b4 Rdg8 16. b5 Nf4 (16... f5 17. Bxf5) (16... c5 17. a4 Kb8 18. a5
Qe7 19. b6 (19. a6 b6) 19... a6) 17. bxc6 Nxd3 18. cxb7+ Qxb7 19. Qxd3 Qc7 20.
Qa6+ Qb7 21. Qxd6 1-0

[Event "Exeter vs Newton Abbot"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2018.03.24"]
[Round "6"]
[White "Hussey, M."]
[Black "Regis, D."]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A80"]
[PlyCount "54"]
[SourceDate "2018.03.27"]
[SourceVersionDate "2018.03.27"]

1. d4 e6 2. Bf4 f5 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. e3 Be7 5. Bd3 O-O 6. Nbd2 d6 7. e4 fxe4 8.
Nxe4 Nxe4 9. Bxe4 Rxf4 10. Qd3 h6 11. O-O-O Nc6 12. a3 Bd7 13. g3 Rf8 14. h4
Be8 15. Rdf1 Bh5 16. Nh2 e5 17. g4 Bf7 18. d5 Nd4 19. g5 Bh5 20. f3 Qd7 21.
gxh6 gxh6 22. Rhg1+ Kh8 23. Bg6 Bxg6 24. Qxg6 Nf5 25. Ng4 Qe8 26. Qe6 Qf7 27.
Qd7 Bg5+ 0-1
