Gerzadowicz, S - Thinker's Chess (Thinker's Press)
McDonald, N - Defence in Chess (Master Class)
Otherwise Good Books with a Confidence-Sapping Cover (before you ever get to a Diagram):
My current favourite is Play Anti-Indian Systems by Egon Varnusz, cover by Pintail Design for Maxwell Macmillan Chess (published in 1991).
Of course, the WHITE Knight is the Indian, and the BLACK Knight is the 7th Cavalry...
A late entry from New in Chess: the spine seen on Sosonko's Russsian Silhouettes seems superfluously sibilant.
Perhaps the best ever was Batsford's reprint of Golombek's book on Reti, which failed to spell correctly the name of the author. I don't have a copy of this one so I can't show you clearly, and sadly the cover shown on the Amazon site is very blurred, for some reason.
It's not obvious what is wrong with this one:
Of itself it isn't a mistake, but the author refers on page xii to "the problem on the front cover"... (authors, what do they know, eh?)
There are actually two problems there: one with bottom right square = h1, one BRS=a8
[If you aren't sure that either way round it is a problem, see content/going-back-time]
Otherwise OK Books with a Confidence-Sapping Error on the contents page:
The London System by Andrew Soltis advertises a line of the Advance French on the contents page!
Otherwise OK Books with a Confidence-Sapping Error on the title page:
Lastly, I'm not sure if modesty should forbid or compel, but...
It's ES Tinsley, in fact.
Any more? Or similar?
[I exclude Eric Schiller's oeuvre from consideration, on fish-barrel-shooting grounds. My esteemed colleague Simon says that dyslexia is the cause, which may be the reason, but does not suffice as an excuse.]