So, starting in a similar way as last year , I asked everyone to name the three main reasons you lose chess games.
These turned out to be:
Lack of strategy
Not looking for outposts enough
Moving pieces which leave holes in my position
Failure to spot strategic weaknesses early enough
Moving rather than taking more time
Poor psychology: making mistakes and then making worse ones
Letting my opponent off when I was ahead on material with a better position
Playing a middlegame sequence out of in the wrong order
Running out of time
Miscalculation (poor vision)
Blunders -- mainly after 1 hour+ -- due, I suspect, to lack of recent practice
Careless loss of material
Moving without working out what my opponent can do in reply
Not seeing the opponent's intended move
Not being completely aware to what my opponent up to
Opening inaccuracy
Inferior opening preparation
Poor openings
In opening, occasionally make over-easy moves which weaken my position
Getting shafted on the diagonals
Playing unsound attacks
I can be over-keen to attack, i.e. launch an attack before I've prepared the necessary back -up
Over-extension in the middle-game (trying too hard to win)
I'll try to come up with a programme which includes some material relevant to these topics as well as suggestions made earlier