
Your Chess Profile

pIsh has been kind enough to give me his copy of Igor Khmelnizky's Chess Exam and Training Guide.  You remember me banging on a couple of years ago about knowing your chess profile, having an idea of what your strengths and weaknesses are?  Well, this book does what I was telling you to do: it gives you a rating for a set of diverse features.nbsp; So, if your study of your own games gives you no clues, or you'd like a second opinion, I think you can't do better than this book.

Dealing with Complexity

21st July 09. Dealing with complexity

[I'll tidy up the examples soon, but the advice stands alone I think]

I don't think I've got enough for a whole session on this, and the Sicilian is a good setting to talk about it.  To warm up, have a go at this one:

Fridrik Olafsson
Svetozar Gligoric

Los Angeles (1)

Chess and Maths

Our esteemed colleague Dan Frean asked me recently about teaching chess in Maths lessons. In the spirit of BBC's Any Answers, I don't think ignorance should be any barrier to trumpeting my ideas...  I'll just dump the e-mail here, and add the links and the examples in later when I've got a bit more time.

I'm anxious not to use chess in a way that emphasises existing differences
in chess ability...

Wise words

The wisest things anybody ever said about chess improvement:
...Almost all players lose the overwhelming majority of their games not because of things they don#8217;t know, but because of not consistently applying things they do know.

Summer Coaching 2009

Some members have asked if I plan to do some coaching sessions again this year and I am of course :br / 1 flattered to be asked,br / 2 happy to do it,br / 3 hopeful of receiving your suggestions, andbr / 4 grateful for any offers of / br / You all know the starting point by now:br / br / List three things about playing chess that you are good at (or likebr / doing):br / 1br / 2br / 3br / br / List three things about playing chess that you are not so good at and want to improve:br / 1br / 2br / 3br / br /


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