
Endgame workout

Endgames are worth taking seriously - you can get extra points and
half-points by improving your endgame play.
Some endgames turn up rather often, certainly more often than some
of the odd bits of opening theory we end up looking at sometimes.

There are bits of theory to know, but as always the thing is to test
your understanding and practise.

The things you need to know are widely available, not least from our
website, so I won't trot through it all, just give some examples.

How to mate with Bishop and Knight

Danny Sparkes and Norbert Friedrich.

Danny Sparkes recently took us through the technique here, and had some fun at the expense of a range of computers and computer programmes who seem generally clueless about t. I don't have his notes but I do have tucked away some similar notes by Norbert Friedrich, who also has a mild dig at computer technique, and whose notes I have expanded on a little below. (If you have ChessBase 6.0 or above, the database will show some helpful extra detail of the patterns.)

Why bother?

Two weaknesses

The Principle of two weaknesses - one weakness or two?

One sick pawn can lose you the game, but you need two points of attack to win. How does this add up?

  Both are true. In order to win against one weakness you need to attack the weak point, gain an advantage in space or mobility through this, and use your mobility to force through on a second front. Then one or other point will crack because your opponent's pieces won't be able to cover both attacks. Chekhover-Rudakowsky is a nice example of this.


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