Planning in the endgame Lessons that can be applied elsewhere, I hope; if you have examples of games where you have struggled, send them in. How to plan, anyway (from Jeremy Silman). Botvinnik-Kann Here is a breakdown of the different imbalances: 1) Material (owning pieces of greater value than the opponent's). 2) Space (the annexation of territory on a chess board). 3) Superior Minor Piece (the interplay between Bishops and Knights). 4) Pawn Structure (a broad subject that encompasses doubled pawns, isolated pawns, etc.). Read more about Planning in the endgame
Minor Piece Endgames The minor pieces are bishop and knight (and the major ones are rook and queen). They are of roughly equal value (3 pawns, we often say), but have such different powers of movement that they have very different uses in the endgame. Read more about Minor Piece Endgames
Endgame Ahoy! A couple of members were struck by Simon's discussion of the Ruy"> Lopez Exchange Variation Read more about Endgame Ahoy!
The Beginning of the End My esteemed colleague Simon Waters is leading on King and Pawn endgames next week, so I will attempt a warm-up for him this week. Read more about The Beginning of the End